| Let us say what we feel, and feel what we say let speech harmonize with life. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/ Herbal Colon Cleansing Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/red-meat-and-colon-cancer/ Does Red Meat Cause Colon Cancer Little ol' boy in the Panhandle told me the other day you can still make a small fortune in agriculture. Problem is, you got to start with a large one. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/spastic-colon/ Irritable Bowel Syndrome Check out the Declaration of Independence You think it promises happiness No no no, it talks about the pursuit of happiness. The PURSUIT We've become a nation of wimps We think we're entitled to everything, we want to legislate ourselves into some cozy little cocoon. Well, forget it, Nature Boy. There are no guarantees. Life is nasty, brutish, and short. Life is real Life is earnest And the grave is not its goal Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.