| All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/ Herbal Colon Cleansing John Johnson Now this is something the other tour guides won't tell you. In this particular cell-block, Machine Gun Kelly had what we call in the prison system, a bitch. And one night in a jealous rage Kelly took a make-shift knife or shiv, and cut out the bitch's eyes. And as if this wasn't enough retribution for Kelly, the next day he and four other inmates took turns pissing into the bitch's ocular cavities. (short pause) This way to the cafeteria http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/red-meat-and-colon-cancer/ Let us have a care not to disclose our hearts to those who shut up theirs against us. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/spastic-colon/ It is the contention of this observer that few homicides due to shooting could be avoided merely if a firearm were not immediately present, and that the offender would select some other weapon to achieve the same destructive goal. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.