| Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit (Perhaps it will be pleasing sometime to have remembered these things, from The Aeneid) http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/#djhbj It will not be any European statesman who will unite Europe Europe will be united by the Chinese. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/spastic-colon/#vaqek I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.N.B. This is a paraphrase from the ancient Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita. http://www.bettercoloncleansing.com/colon-surgery/#ttinb There was a definite process by which one made people into friends, and it involved talking to them and listening to them for hours at a time. To Tennessee Williams, children were 'no-neck monsters,' while William Wordsworth apotheosized the newborn infant as a 'Mighty Prophet Seer Blest' Most adults know the truth is somewhere in between.