| Bush Sr. was a jerk, Quayle an idiot, Clinton was atrocious and disgusting, most of those who persecuted him were hypocritical, Gore is shallow and weak, Bradley is an idealist, Bush Jr. a fool, and all of the independent candidates act like they're on drugs. You have given me a great responsibility to stay close to you, to be worthy of you and to exemplify what you are. http://www.kimkardashianphotos.com/#bjasw Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. http://www.kimkardashianphotos.com/hot-kim-kardashian/#ierjn Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. http://www.kimkardashianphotos.com/hot-kim-kardashian/#bhpnd If its sanity you are after there is no recipe like laughter. In order to be able to live in America I must be unafraid to live anywhere in it, and I must be able to live in the fashion and with whom I choose.